
The Enemy of my Enemy (Part 1)

"I owe you an apology and an explanation." Jormun said. "An apology for attacking you the day Xedros turned into a Dragon. I wasn't myself back then. The Unwavering Loyalty array of the Golden Griffon had me under its thumb."

"What about now?" Lith asked.

"Now I'm free from its effect, but I won't deny that my allegiance still lays with Thrud. This time on my terms, though. Are you still interested in hearing why I'm here or do you want us to fight?"

"I have nothing to lose by talking some more." Lith replied. "Besides, neither of our deaths will change much the outcome of the war."

"But if one of us were to die, it would surely help someone we both despise." Jormun completed the phrase for him.

"Good. Explain yourself."

"I'm not here to fight you. I'm not even a General in this war. I'm just a concerned father who came here to limit the interactions between the mother of his son and a creep to a minimum and ended up being played instead."