
The Door (Part 1)

"I beg your pardon?" Lith and Tista said in unison, both shocked by those words.

"Not your Demons, hatchling. They are loyal followers of your Brood. Correct?" The Father of Fire asked and Lith nodded. "Yet they are not the only ones who dwell inside of you. Am I wrong?"

The Tiamat shook his head, remembering how Trouble's soul had exploited Lith's moment of weakness in Zelex to become an Abomination and resurrect himself. Then, the memory of Urgamakka came back haunting Lith.

To survive the encounter with Vareen the Plaguespreader, Lith had been forced to open a gate inside of him. Souls he didn't know or care about would have ripped him apart if not for Aalejah's help.

It was the same thing that had happened against Jormun, when Lith had surrendered himself to his Abomination side to obtain the strength he needed to best the older and stronger Emerald Dragon in combat.