
The Day of Fate (Part 6)

She wanted Lith to have a good and quiet life where he could spend time with his children and family.

Not to be involved in petty power plays for the rest of his life, leaving the education of his children to tutors and nannies.

"Professor Marth, you certainly don't have such problems." Lith said, eager to avoid the crossfire. "How is the baby?"

"Manohar Jr. should be born any day now." His steel gaze softened while looking at Ryssa and caressing her belly. "It seems they gave me a high five, unless that was a foot."

"Do you still not know the baby's gender and are you really going to call them Manohar Jr.?" Lith was flabbergasted and so were his dates.

"We wanted it to be a surprise." Ryssa tried to give the Princess a curtsy despite her state, but Peonia stopped her. "Besides, like the late Krishna loved to say, it sounds amazing and fits both boys and girls.