
The Day of Fate (Part 2)

Ever since the day of Manohar's death, he felt as if he had turned from the sun that shone on his family into a storm cloud that threatened their safety.

His mood was gloomy and he avoided the village as well, knowing that he was this close to making Lutia true to its nickname and turning it into a graveyard.

On the day of the wedding, Lith was glad to take a break from his work, hoping to relieve his mind from the pain thanks to the presence of his friends.

"I hate to bother you, but Friya invited me as her plus one and I don't have a suit. Can I borrow one from you?" Nalrond asked while Lith was checking himself in the mirror.

"Sure, take your pick." Lith was looking for warm colors that would mitigate the cold expression that he seemed incapable of removing from his face.