
The Day After (Part 6)

His battles senses awakened immediately, clearing his mind and priming his body. Lith remembered how after reaching Belius, he had noticed that his pain and suffering had decreased remarkably.

The mental relief had been so intoxicating that he felt like he could break a random stranger's neck with the same ease he could order a beer. His conscience remained as dead as a doornail until someone bumped into him and Lith almost gave in to his impulses.

Until he thought about what his family, Kamila, and Solus would think of him if he actually did it. Only then did he regain his common sense. He could easily make up a lie for the local constables, but he couldn't lie to them.

'Is this really who I am without Solus and without a mission? Do I really not give a rat's ass about other people's lives?' It took barely a single minute to admit to himself that the answer was "yes" to both questions.