
The Arisen (Part 1)

Lith was already sweating bullets when Orion, who was wearing a silvery Royal Foragemaster robe, stepped through the crowd and joined the three Professors.

Manohar and Vastor moved to Lith's left side, while Manohar and Orion to his right, in a square formation that left him no way out. The clothes of the Lord of the Ernas Household and of the three Professors shapeshifted at the same time.

Lith shuddered in fear recognizing the fabled Royal Fortress armor. They could be worn only with the authorization of the Queen herself, bestowing upon a normal human the power of an Emperor Beast and upon a mage the strength of a small army.

The armor appeared to be made of golden feathers that shone like a sun. The helmet was shaped like an eagle's head, its gloves ended with claws, and a couple of wings made of energy were draped like a mantle around its shoulders.