
Test Drive (Part 1)

"A silver stagecoach?" Raaz was dumbfounded. "We already have a wooden one. Why did you waste your money on something like that?"

"Where are horses going to be attached and where the coachman is supposed to sit?" Elina asked, doing her best to feign interest in the strange contraption.

"Get in. It's easier to show than to tell." Lith took the driver seat, opening all the doors at the same time with the pressure of a button.

Due to the absence of the engine and of the trunk, the DoLorean could comfortably accommodate eleven people by adding two more backseats. Raaz rode shotgun at Lith's insistence while, Tista, Rena, Elina, Aran, Leria, Friya, and Senton sat behind.

"Fasten your seatbelts." Lith said.

"Our what?"

A snap of Lith's fingers and a spark of Spirit Magic secured everyone to their respective position.