
Symphony (Part 2)

"How long was I out cold?" He asked while clenching and releasing his fists several times. There was something off with his body.

"Almost three hours." Solus replied. "Which is odd, I expected you to need at least eight hours to recuperate. How do you feel?"

"Like there's an itch I cannot scratch. A needle in the back of my skull." Lith noticed Nok lying on the floor, still unconscious. He had so many things to ask but so little time.

First, he healed the young Byk, then proceeded to fix the mess Kalla's body was.

'Wish I could speak and treat her at the same time. My day leave is almost over, I must make use of every single second I… What the f*ck?'

To Lith's surprise, he could not only perceive Kalla's life force with much more clarity than before, but also understand where he or she had messed up. It was more about listening rather than seeing.