
Strange Partners (Part 2)

"This is great news." Feela said. "Tower or not, now we can destroy Night as soon as we face her in battle."

"Beware, though. Time is of the essence. I've reason to suspect that the longer we wait, the less these weak points will help us defeat her. It's the reason I need your help. If we don't act swiftly, by the time we find Night she might have removed them." Baba Yaga said.

"What do you mean removed?" Inxialot said, impressed by how much the Horseman's crystal resembled his own phylactery. "Artifacts don't change after being Forgemastered."

"That's what I thought as well, but that may not be the case anymore." The Red Mother replied, snapping her fingers.

Zepho Acala walked through the door as well, sitting beside Dawn and holding her hand. The ex-Ranger was a man in his mid-thirties, yet after Awakening, he looked ten years younger.