
Source of Power (Part 2)

All the members of the family were happy to see Lith and Solus again and asked them the details of the mission.

"I'm so glad nothing bad happened." Elina checked them both for injuries before hugging them. "Take the uniform off, dear. You are upsetting the guards."

Salaark's servants were used to seeing Lith in his Tiamat form while he wore desert clothes. Seeing a pale man dressed in the colors of the Kingdom made them nervous.

During dinner, Lith told them everything that had happened in Zeska. When he arrived at Solus's brilliant ruse to reach the City Hall, she kindly stomped his foot as a friendly reminder to not mention the fake pregnancy.

"What was that?" Rena asked after seeing a ripple in her wine and the chandeliers swinging.

"I don't know. There are no quakes in this part of the desert." Salaark had a hard time repressing a chuckle. "Please, go on."