
Shadow Play (Part 2)

Everyone left the War Room but Lith, Kamila, Jirni, Balkor, and the babies.

"I'd like to get over with our business, if you don't mind." The god of death said. "I have no intention of following you into the Fringe. I'm sorry for your friend, but I don't know or care for either of you.

"I have no reason to endanger what little is left of my lifespan for a stranger. My family comes first. I'm sure you can understand." Balkor pointed at the babies and Lith nodded.

"Then why are you still here?"

"Because the situation is not as desperate as it seems and because the Overlord requested my presence." The god of death replied. "Just because I won't be there it doesn't mean I can't help you."

"Help me how?" If there was a logic to Balkor's words, Lith failed to follow it.