
Shadow Play (Part 1)

"How exactly?" Salaark wasn't supposed to intervene but curiosity got the best of her.

"Because that's how the Yggdrasill expects things to go based on their current information, but that's incomplete." Tezka replied. "The last time I infiltrated the Fringe to steal Yggdrasill wood I was much weaker than I am now and, most importantly, I was alone.

"The World Tree has no idea what the Organization by itself is capable of when its members act together, let alone if we have the aid of powerful white cores…" He pointed at Silvering and Surtr.

"A mage tower…" Tezka's finger moved to Baba Yaga. "A greed of Dragons…" Then it was Valtak's turn. "And a not-so-much esteemed colleague of mine who goes by the name of Orulm the Breaker. Have you ever heard about him, little brother?"

"No." Lith shook his head while Baba Yaga and Silverwing crushed the armrests of their chairs with the sheer strength of their grip. "Who is he?"