
Set Up (Part 2)

"Would you like some ice cream? I think I made a bit too much." Solus said.

"Yes, thank you." Lith sat on a sofa, taking a doggie bag from Haug's restaurant out of his pocket dimension.

Solus squealed with joy at the sweet scent of freshly baked chocolate-dipped cookies. She jumped on the sofa beside Lith, putting the bowl of ice cream on the tea table in front of them and the cookies on her side of the sofa.

"Those are my favorite. Thanks for remembering." She used the cookies as scoops, covering her mouth in cream and crumbles.

"Those are my favorites as well. Can I have some, please?"

Solus looked at the cookies she had conveniently left out of his reach, weighing her options.

"Sure, but eat with moderation or there won't be enough left for tomorrow's breakfast." She gave him two cookies, keeping the tray for herself.

"Hey, pot. My name is kettle and you are black!" Lith snarled at her stingy double standards.