
Seed of Doubt (Part 2)

"At that point, the colonization of Jiera would be delayed for months and the Awakened Council would deport me back home, leaving me no choice but to beg for the clan's mercy. Two birds with one stone." Bodya said.

"I have no time for this madness." The sound of approaching steps confirmed Vothal's words. "Do what you want, but do it fast!"

The hologram disappeared and the rune of Bodya's grandfather became unreachable again. Whether it was due to Vothal storing the amulet away or it being confiscated, there was no way to tell.

The Nidhogg stared at the inactive rune for a moment, thinking back to the time when Vothal had adopted Bodya after the death of his parents. Back then he had nothing and was a very confused youngster who had yet to recover from the shock of coming of age.