
Security Nightmare (Part 2)

"Lucky is an understatement. A beast passed by chance near a secluded spot chosen for an ambush and bothered helping strangers. I'd call it a miracle but there's no point looking the gifted horse in the mouth." Sylpha had many doubts, but she couldn't afford to express them.

Vastor was one of the Kingdom's greatest assets in the War of the Griffons. The Crown couldn't afford to lose him. The truth would have to wait.

While Orion was still staring at Vastor in envy, another Warp Gate opened.

Two Royal Guards had found the site of the ambush and brought Celbas the Griffon with them after applying first aid. They had given him plenty of tonics before finishing to heal his wounds, yet he was still drowsy.

"You bastard!" Orion escaped the King's grip and punched Celbas in the face, sending him tumbling to the ground. "I had entrusted my Little Flower to you. What kind of man can't even protect the woman he's dating? You're no Divine Beast, just Divine Scum!