
Scorched Earth (Part 1)

Maergron used the Ears to guide their attack and the world energy sifted by the throne to regain what he had lost. Then, the Flames reached him through the Garden and struck him with boundless hate.

"Even if you kill me, I won't die." The Void laughed as the arrays tore it into pieces. "I'm not even here, you moron. I won't die and I won't forget you. We will meet again soon and then I won't be a fragment. I will be whole!"

The Fae ignored the threat, jumping off the throne just in time to save his head. The rest of his body was reduced to a pile of ashes, but the battle was won.

With the disappearance of the Void, the connection between Lith and the Ears had been severed. He had no more access to the knowledge he needed to operate the Garden or conjure so many kinds of Flames at the same time.