
Royal Scolding (Part 1)

"By the way, Dad, I was thinking about taking a short vacation just with you and another with Mom. We never spend time together and you could use a change of scenery." Lith said.

"Why split the family?" Raaz asked.

"So we can do man stuff we enjoy without boring Mom out of her skull and vice versa." Lith replied.

"Can I come too?" Aran asked.

"Sure, little guy. It will be me, you, Dad, and Trion." Lith said, making his older brother spit his food out in surprise.

The last thing he expected was to be invited.

"What about me?" Leria pouted.

"You can come if you want." Lith replied after throwing a glance at Raaz who nodded.

"Why didn't you invite me, Uncle Lith?" She stared at him with puppy eyes.

"For fairness. I thought you wanted to take part in the vacation with Mom, which I know Aran won't enjoy. Unless I'm wrong and you like touring cities and going shopping, little brother."