
Royal Demands (Part 2)

"We have no idea where Quaron is right now and we can't afford to destroy our own fortresses with not one, but two impending wars at our doorstep. To make matters worse, the people of the Nestrar Region already hate the Royals.

"Quaron had the entire winter to convince them that he's the good guy while the Royals are just a bunch of self-entitled assholes that left them at the mercy of the monsters first and that now are trying to steal their food." Brinja replied.

"That doesn't sound so far from the truth." Lith said.

"Rangers are Royal envoys, not volunteer workers." She said with a scoff. "Quaron was provided with everything he needed to fix the damages from the monsters' attacks and with plenty of medical supplies.

"He left the discontent grow on purpose by withholding the materials he collected at the Warp Gates and then claimed that they all came out of his own pocket. As for the food, it's not being stolen but paid at market price.