
Rough Welcome (Part 1)

"Six o'clock! It's Nyka time." Solus had just finished her magic lessons with Kelia.

Without the Horseman, the young Awakened needed Solus' help to study and not be crushed by the void that the absence of Dusk left in her mind. Solus was slowly decreasing the use of mind links with Kelia to wean her off her need for telepathic communion.

"One second." Lith called Vladion who altered the dimensional compressing arrays that surrounded Lightkeep, allowing them to Tower Warp there.

In the blink of an eye, the tower became one with Mogar's flow of world energy, using it to pinpoint the dimensional coordinates of their destination despite the thousands of kilometers separating the Mansion in the Kingdom from the city built in the depths of the Empire.

'I bet that Tower Warping is one of the enchantments linked to the Ears of Menadion.' Lith thought. 'It explains why not even Baba Yaga can travel this fast and can't reach the moon.'