
Rogue Soul (Part 2)

Without waiting for an answer, Lith recalled the mass of darkness and Spirit Magic while the Demons charged at the dead Balor.

'You remember my name? I'm honored. Your memory has been as bad as my spiteful master's since the day I died by your hand.' The puddle was being cut apart by dozens of claws yet Yozmogh laughed merrily.

'Let me return the favor with a surprise of my own!' A black light spread from the eye, sucking in the darkness element from the surrounding world energy. 'You are indeed an amazing creature. Each of your thralls not only gains a body of their own, but even mana organs.'

The puddle grew in size, gaining limbs and healing its wounds faster than the other one-eyed Demons could open them.

'Stop him!' Lith ordered Locrias and the other six-eyed Demons. 'A Balor's black eye can constantly draw energy and increase his powers even after I cut the connection.'