
Rising Tide (Part 1)

Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

That was how Nalear had defeated Lith, but also the way Jirni Ernas planned to smoke out the traitor.

The arrival of constable Ernas was a big enough monkey wrench in Nalear's plot to put both her master and contingency plan at risk. It was impossible to use dimensional magic inside the academy because of the array blocking it.

The only way out was using the Warp Gate, but even with the help of her little lambs, it was impossible for her to drag away Lith unnoticed. Her teacher ring was useless too. It not only would leave a record of her position, but also could move her inside the fifth floor only.

'Each floor of the castle is huge, but with enough time they can search every nook and cranny of it. I can't hide Lith forever nor can I kill him and store his body in a dimensional item. I can't believe months of careful planning are about to be crushed because of a stupid girl!'