

When Lith regained his senses, he was back inside the Main Hall located on the ground floor of the academy. As he slowly got up off the floor, trying to shake off the lingering effects of the hit he had sustained on the back of his head, he noticed that the Hall was quickly filling up with people.

There were lots of Warp Steps opened. Some had been left active, allowing students from the fourth floor of the White Griffon to reach the Hall.

Most of the Warp Steps, however, were used by Professors going to and from the forest, to bring back the students one by one.

'I guess that the third day marked the moment when the magical beasts stopped holding back.' Lith thought.

'Yeah.' Solus said, glad to feel the safety of the castle walls all around them 'Honestly, I am kind of surprised that so many people managed to survive this long. Not to brag, but I was sure that our group would be the one lasting longer.'