
Rest and Recover (Part 2)

"Should I point out that not many people died on the moon?" Leegaain said. "There's no soul here, believe me."

"I do." Lith nodded, attempting the Call of the Void that failed as well. "Oh, well. I can live with this. I need to make the best of this and reforge everything while it last-"

The hair on the back of his neck stood up as a cold gaze seemed to drill a hole in his skull with its sheer intensity.

"What did you say?" Kamila took the babies from him, her eyes squinted and her nostrils dilated in annoyance as she tapped her foot.

"That I need to take my time and rest until I make a full recovery." Lith replied as he dodged a hail of verbal bullets. "I've given you and the kids a big scare so it's only right if we spend some quality time together."

"Nice save." She grunted. "Always remember that no one is allowed to hurt you. Not even yourself."

"Should we go back home?" The Maiden proposed.