
Red Sun (Part 3)

"Okay, Pylika." Kelia said while Dusk checked the room with Life Vision.

Every time they had come to the Headmaster's office, he had noticed that its magical aura increased by leaps and bounds. There were several incomplete Forgemastering arrays that had no reason to be there and whose purpose he failed to understand.

The most peculiar thing about them was that their energy seeped into the adjacent rooms over time and soon would have reached the other floors as well.

'Whatever this is, it requires a power core bigger than I've ever seen. It's like a beating heart that branches into veins and arteries.' The Horseman thought. 'To what end, though?'

He was unaware that after witnessing the true power of the Griffon Kingdom's academies during Nalear's attack, the Empress had relentlessly worked to recreate them in the Empire.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your summon?" His host asked.