
Real Strength (Part 1)

"Wait a second. What about me?" Elina asked.

"What about you?" Salaark replied with a snort.

"I kind of feel left out." Everyone but her and Senton were still fully human.

"I guess you don't want to be the Senton of the situation." Rena's husband sighed deeply.

"Oh, no sweetie, that's not what I meant."

"Please, covering it up just makes it worse. There's no need to worry about me. I've long since gotten used to being constantly in the middle of a storm I don't even understand and against which I'm more helpless than my baby girl."

Yet his voice and words didn't match as he kept sighing like a bellows. The idea that Leria's magic could already wipe the floor with him and that her steed could eat him in one gulp were both huge blows to his father's pride.

The bright-colored feathers that now decorated her skin were just the fire on the literal Phoenix.

"You are a Red Dragon, child, and I'm no Dragon." Salaark shrugged.