
Quality Over Quantity (Part 2)

"I'm not fond of the idea of sending you behind the enemy lines, but any clue regarding Lark's death would be a great help to prevent any more deaths." The Marchioness said over the amulet.

"I know. Even discovering which Court took the hit job would point Jirni in the right direction. So far we got nothing." Lith said as images of Lark's defiled corpse flashed in front of his eyes.

"Please, be careful. I'll reinforce the security of your home while you're away. In the case that something goes wrong, drop the mission. No information is worth your life." She said.

"Don't worry, I'll be careful. Lith out."

"Mom, who were you talking to? Wasn't that the voice of Archole Verhen?" Brinja opened the door after knocking several times without receiving an answer.