
Purified Davross (Part 2)

Once Lith was done, they had collected what looked like a bumpy piece of charcoal the size of a fist and a small metal ingot. Its surfaces absorbed the light coming from both the surface and the tower's walls, shifting from silvery to black as if someone was stirring it from the inside.

"That was amazing!" Friya felt a mix of awe and envy while looking at the final results of Lith's work. "Gods, Origin Flames are a Forgemaster's best friend. It took you less than a minute to completely separate two of the most precious metals on Mogar.

"Why can't Hydras have them as well?"

Lith panted and wheezed in reply as Solus conjured a chair for him to sit. She also gave him a barrel worth of tonic that he gulped down with the help of water magic.