
Puppet Master (Part 1)

Derek swung his blade in a wide arc to keep the Chroniclers away, making his mediocre swordsmanship evident. The elves dodged but didn't exploit the blatant opening, thinking it another trap.

'What if Verhen really is amnesiac?' Tarell asked after no clever tactic followed the amateurish swing.

'What if it's just a ruse and you die?' Q'porr rebuked him. 'Verhen just used twenty tier five spells. How could he do it if he had no memory?'

Her reasoning was correct. Regular spell-holding rings could only store one spell so Lith wasn't supposed to have access to more than ten.

Yet it was also wrong. By mixing the runes retrieved from the Odi and Golden Griffon, Lith and Solus had found a way to craft magic-holding rings capable of storing two spells each.

It was something they hadn't shared with anyone but their closest friends, making even the World Tree oblivious about their innovation.