
Puny Human (Part 2)

"I'll explain it to you like the Overlord did to me. Elemental magic can be divided into three branches. The elements of creation…" And then the god of death explained to Scarlett the basics of magic just like Lith had done for Aran and Leria just a few years ago.


City of Verlam, capital of the Essagor Grand Duchy.

Lith was usually right in his predictions, but this was one of the exceptions to the rule.

After failing to kill him inside the Verhen Mansion, the Undead Courts had indeed shifted their target, but they had no intention of attacking his wife or the rest of his family in Lutia.

Kamila was already under heavy protection due to the bounty on her head. The Queen's Corps, the Corpse, the magical beasts, and the golems followed her every time she went out of the house, making any attempt on her life suicidal at best.