
Proper Timing (Part 1)

The file contained holograms depicting the physical appearance of all Orpal's known aliases, Night's trademark spells, and Baba Yaga's spell to destroy the Horseman.

Lith also warned his contacts on Jiera to be wary of any unknown Awakened who had suddenly appeared after the fall of the Golden Griffon and to keep the hunt for Night a secret from anyone they didn't trust.

"What's the point? Meln isn't stupid enough to use his real appearance and it's not like you can include his energy signature in the bounty either." Kamila said in frustration.

"True, but based on what the cursed objects Meln sent after Solus said, Night has been ostracized by their kin as well." Lith replied.

"Now if Meln is cornered and uses one of his spells in front of an Awakened, his cover will blow and all those who met him will be able to recognize him no matter what form he takes.