
Present without Future (Part 1)

The Sapling waved at the scenic view of the hill. From there, one could look at the sky, with nothing blocking their view until the horizon, or at the valley below, where a snaked river crossed the land in twists and turns.

"I am afraid of you, Verhen. I remember your blade and the excruciating agony you inflicted upon the Tree. Yet I'm also filled with joy and curiosity, two powerful emotions that have allowed me to keep the madness and trauma at bay.

"You have nothing to fear from me because what I know makes me a wonderful tour guide, not a threat."

"How are you resisting the call of the other fragments?" Lotho asked.

"As I said, I'm different." Xaphen replied. "My fragment contains the yearning for freedom the World Tree bloodline has suppressed for countless millennia and has no desire to be chained and ignored again.