
Present (Part 1)

"I've slain countless Fallen, righted several injustices, helped those in need, but to no avail. To add insult to the injury, my core is still blue. For the gods' sake, I'm over 300 years old. What am I doing wrong?" She said looking at Milea with envy.

The Empress was in her early thirties, yet she already had a deep purple core and a body powerful enough to fight on par with an Evolved Monster.

'I wonder how the heck did he did it.' Scarlett pondered. 'It's too bad not even my artifact can see through a Guardian. I always wondered what kind of core they have.'

A wave of Leegaain's hand made two armchairs appear, one for himself and the other for his guest.

"Excellent question. The short answer is: everything. If you want the long one, you'd better sit down. It will take a while."

Scarlett rolled her eyes and prayed for a swift death before doing as instructed.