
Preparations (Part 1)

Baby Solus shook her head. She didn't understand a word Menadion said, but she pretended otherwise because she didn't want to disappoint her mother.

"Because once a Forgemaster find the proper sequence of runes, any mage capable of executing the spells in the correct order can create an artificial mage that's programmed to do just a few things, but it does them to perfection.

"Runes have no stray thought, no distraction, nor do they make mistakes. This way, the Forgemaster that follows the blueprint only has to succeed once to create something that can exceed even their own limits."

"The pseudo core provides the mana that the runes channel exactly in the way necessary to fulfill their purpose. Tyris programmed the gemstones to use Domination just like I programmed the amulets to generate holograms."

At that point, Solus hoped that the workaholic Menadion would give her a demonstration of such crafting technique.