
Power of Unity (Part 2)

Eldritches had no Life Vision so she only noticed the thick layer of darkness magic when it was too late. The radiance of the light element masked the presence of its counterpart but it was still there.

It was the massive amount of darkness magic that was hurting Orulm beyond what even an Eldritch could take. Abthot tried to Chaos Blink away, but the elemental imbalance near Auros distorted the spell just like it had done to Orulm's.

["Bug off, bug."] The lost city slapped the Ogre-Abomination hybrid away with his free hand that was now white hot.

She tried to use the plant nature of her monster half to split her body into vines and dodge the attack, but a sudden cold wave froze her in place. Turning into smaller pieces made her water-rich body more vulnerable to the cold and when the open palm hit her, she felt herself burning with the heat of a small sun.