
Power Move (Part 1)

After a few tries, the female Captain managed to replicate Lith's spell, but between the long flight and the imminent fight, she needed to recover her strength so she had to let it fade away.

"What army base do you serve in, Major? With your permission, I would like to apply for a transfer. There's a lot that I could learn from you."

"I'm not back in the army, Captain. Once we are done with our mission, I'll go back to being a civilian." He replied, leaving her quite disappointed.

Studying standard spells from a book was one thing, being taught by an Archmage was quite another.

While the soldiers rested, Lith discussed with the officers what the best approach to surround the city with their limited numbers and keep anyone from escaping was. All the members of the regiment could fly, but very few could use dimensional magic.