
Playdate (Part 2)

Ryssa caught Manohar from under the shoulders and brought him away from the Byk. Just like the old Manohar, the baby reacted to the meddling with his experiments by throwing a tantrum.

"I know how you feel, sister." Selia sighed, drawing Brinja's curious look as the huntress put the seemingly normal baby boy on the ground.

The Marchioness was about to open her mouth and ask for an explanation when Solkar became covered in soft red fur and started running on all fours, yapping at those present while sniffing at their clothes.

Brinja instinctively took a step back, putting herself between Solkar and the playpen when he came close to Milla.

Manohar the Second stopped crying, focusing on the other hybrid.

"Don't worry. He's excited, not dangerous." Elina put Surin, the only other fully human baby, sitting on the ground in front of the puppy.