
Plans and Blueprints (Part 2)

"Great thinking! My control over Origin Flames is still crappy, but since Adamant is very resistant and hard to find, we might as well try and see if it can withstand the flames.

"Maybe Adamant will be destroyed like normal metals, but maybe it could just be cleansed of the previous incantation. This will have to wait though. I'm not going to use Origin Flames for a while.

"I don't want to take any chances of weakening my life force before it fully recovers." Lith said.

"Right. I'm sure that your decision has nothing to do with you not getting laid once since your return." Solus's voice oozed sarcasm.

Lith dodged the question by starting to craft runes, stumbling upon their first hurdle. Engraving one rune at a time seemed to have no effect. They would retain his mana just for a few seconds before turning into just a fancy inscription.