
Phloria’s Choice (Part 2)

Morok left for the surface on foot, making both Baba Yaga and Nandi wonder how could he have such a narrow vision of life.

"I can't believe he didn't even bother to remember the names of Quylla's sisters. It's beyond rude and if he keeps up like that, their first date will be short and the last." Baba Yaga said.

"I can't believe you're still thinking about that moron while your precious project walks away!" Nandi blurted out. "What about your hybrids, and more importantly, what about me?"

"I can't keep them against their will. All I want is to make my children happy. Starting a new family over the misery of my own firstborn would doom my project to failure and is against all I ever worked for." Baba Yaga replied.

"No matter what you think, I'm not a tyrant but a mother. Even when my children go against my wishes, I don't put them in jail until they obey. That's not love, that's madness.