
Party Crashers (Part 1)

"It wasn't just me. Mom commissioned the tapestries and Dad had the paintings drawn after noticing how much the tower's decorations meant to you. I just put in the money and cooked a lot of food." Lith said, returning Solus' embrace.

"Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad." She hugged them as well, but this time she carefully controlled her strength. "Isn't it a bit overkill for just the ten of us? I mean, even if Granma brings a few people like the last time, it's still too much."

"No, dear. We invited all your friends." Elina replied as the door opened and from the Mansion's gate arrived Selia, Nalrond, Protector, and their kids.

Then, it was the turn of Kalla, Nyka, and Nok.

"Happy birthday, Solus. I hope you don't mind if I brought several plus ones." Salaark wore a comfortable emerald evening dress to give her swollen belly the space it needed.