
Opening Act (Part 1)

"And that's our cue." Protector whispered, even though he and Selia were already enveloped in a Hush spell, while dragging his wife toward the back door.

"Come on, they're just making out and on our lawn at that. There's nothing wrong with making sure that things between them are okay." She whined.

"According to what you have taught me, that's being a peeping tom." Protector rebuked her. "Come inside. While Lith explains everything in detail to her, I can do the same to you now."

Selia nodded and followed him back home. She was very curious about Lith's hybrid form since she had never seen a dragon before and so was Kamila. After both Lith's and her heart had stopped quivering, she pushed him away gently, full of questions that needed to be answered.

"Is this the reason why the army holds you in such high regard?"

"The army doesn't know, nor does the Mage Association and the Royals." Lith replied.