
Open Wounds (Part 1)

"Oh gods, I need to sit down." Despite Solus's best efforts, Selia could feel her knees buckling. The golden hair, the luminous body, and the majestic aura that surrounded Solus made her look like someone out of a fairy tale.

"Oh gods, where does this thing come from?" Selia flinched when a comfortable armchair appeared out of thin air.

"It's good to finally meet you in person, Solus." Ryman offered her his hand, but she hugged him instead.

Protector wasn't just a business partner, he was their oldest friend.

"Same here. What do you think?" She said after taking a few steps back and turning around to let him see her full figure.

"You're a lovely young woman." Ryman nodded.

"Yeah, how old are you?" Selia asked.

"Centuries-old, but since I've forgotten almost everything about my past life, my mental age is around twenty." Solus said.

Lith had them move to the living room before starting to explain things properly.