
One Mistake (Part 1)

"The knowledge contained in the fragments is more than enough to break the precarious peace." Xaphen said. "Zima would easily win the war but then it would be ravaged by the mad World Tree and end up like Jiera, if not even worse."

"Thanks." Aalejah gave him a deep bow. "We gladly accept your offer."


With Xaphen's help, it was just a matter of days before Lith collected all the fragments in Zima. He returned home only for lunch, dinner, and tucking the children in. The mission was important, but not as much as reassuring Elysia and Valeron.

Jiera's transoceanic gates made transportation between Garlen and Zima relatively quick and nobody at the outposts asked Lith questions.

Then, he moved to Jiera and Xaphen kept following him. Feela insisted on informing the local Council, but withhold the information about how many fragments they had already collected and that Lith had purified them.