
On the Prowl (Part 2)

Lith had already been to the village of Trauros to share his communication rune with its elder. Crossing the couple hundred of kilometers which separated it from Maekosh with Warp Steps only took him a handful of seconds.

Lith appeared inside an isolated alley while people all around the village were screaming and begging for help.  Their prayers didn't stop the wargs' fangs nor their claws.

A dozen wargs were pillaging the food supplies while several others were feasting on those who had attempted to stop them and the passers-by who had not fled from the scene fast enough.

The starving monsters' aim had only been the stored meat, but the first drops of human blood spilled during the initial assault had sent them into a feeding frenzy.

Wargs were predators, whereas the squishy humans were just food after all.  Much to Solus's dismay, aside from cloaking his presence with darkness magic, Lith did nothing.