
Old Monster (Part 1)

The Master released his grip on the Grendel's wrist, stepping forward with his right foot while delivering a body blow with his left fist. The Grendel's side burst open like a balloon, the sheer force of the impact sent him flying like a rag doll.

"What the fuck?" Quomar the Vampire said in shock.

Undead had no Life Vision so they had no way to have an exact measure of the strength of their opponent. They relied on their predatory instinct to gauge their enemies and right now, their instinct was warning them.

"How can a human be this strong? I can feel that his mana is off the chart but his mass is unchanged!" He said, and he was wrong.

Vastor had evolved and was no longer a human. The green pillar had nurtured his body during the change, providing him with the nutrients he needed to achieve a mass similar to that of an Emperor Beast.