
Old Enemies (Part 2)

The condensed water dripping from the ceiling had yet to form pools and the rock's surface was too smooth to be natural. Lith didn't need light thanks to Fire Vision and Acala thanks to an amulet he possessed that made his eyes turn green.

The cave led into a much older tunnel that was part of a network of passages that extended downwards. They kept moving forward for hours, stopping only to check for the presence of enemies and traps by using detecting arrays.

Acala was able to find the way thanks to the mana imbued marks he had left during his first visit, while Lith's brain worked at full gear to make sense of the many contradicting details.

Solus scanned their surroundings with mana sense from time to time, finding nothing but bugs and moss.

'It's too bad that Ruin is still a complete mystery to us.' She thought once she got bored of revising the known facts over and over.