
Not So Much (Part 1)

"I'm really sorry, little brother, but I'm sure that the other Divine Beasts will soon understand that you are not responsible for Jormun's death. You were just doing your job to put an end to the war." Rena said.

"The same could be said about Jormun." Lith sighed. "Do you mind if we talk about something else?"

"Sure." Rena nodded. "Do you think that Quylla and Friya will really marry or will they defy their parents' orders?"

The two women had refused to not have any saying in their own personal lives and had stood their ground to Jirni which had led the Archon to raise the ante. When the party had reached its climax, she had publicly announced the marriage of both her daughters, nailing them to the wall.

Jirni had set no date, but being officially engaged was a big deal, especially for Quylla. Nalrond had dropped his glass at the announcement and had done his best to get out of there unnoticed.