
No I in Funeral (Part 1)

'Even if the members of the senate were to listen to us and believe our words, it would still mean that all of their pain and sacrifices they just endured was for nothing.' Solus said.

'We'll worry about that later.' Lith replied. 'Now we need to study the defensive formations of Zelex. No matter if we choose to parlay, raid the city, or ask for the Council's help, we need to know how to safely get in.'

Solus had no trouble recollecting Eryon's path and she guided Lith to a cave on the south side of the city. From there, departed a vertical tunnel that led outside whose access points were sealed with earth magic and protected by several defensive arrays.

Lith and Solus used the Eye of Menadion to study Zelex's arrays as they moved. The city had mostly magical formations meant to keep it warm and freshen its air. The rest were about collecting and focusing the energy of the mana geyser.