
New and Old Memories (Part 1)

"Good gods, am I that out of shape, or have you gained a few tons?" The Blue Phoenix said after his back popped from the effort.

"Kind of both. Creatures your size are supposed to lift me with ease." Solus nodded in Lith's direction while gently but firmly taking Aerth's hands off of her.

The Phoenix may have remembered her clearly but she didn't, making the sudden intimacy creepy.

"Oh, I'm sorry for my manners. I'm Aerth." He offered Lith his hand. "Are you her boyfriend, husband, or something in between?"

"I'm Lith Verhen and I'm her partner."

"This is definitely a slang term I'm not familiar with. Damn, I need to get out more." Aerth nodded. "Did Elphyn ever tell you how we've met? She was really curious about the Phoenixes' mating ritual and I was the lucky one she picked at a party."

"One of my acquaintances mentioned the ritual to me. What's so great about it?" Lith asked, out of scientific curiosity, of course.