
Necessary Adjustments (Part 2)

'That woman is weak, but her family is very dangerous.' Night said, glad that Orpal had picked the easiest target again.

He needed a confidence boost and the Horseman could help him. Jirni was just a human, she wasn't a Verhen nor did she live in Lutia.

"Agreed. We need a solid plan, like usual." Orpal nodded. "Jirni Ernas is the reason I failed getting back in my mother's grace. She treated me like garbage and protected that Yehval wench from my subordinates.

"She's the one who's fighting for Leech in the Court. Once she's dead, he'll never return to the Kingdom and what he owns will finally belong to me."


Meanwhile, back to the beach.

The second day of the honeymoon went by like the first. Lith taught Kamila how to swim, then they would spend the time during lunch catching up on the lost time. The couple would get back home for the afternoon nap and return to the beach later.