
More than Meets the Eyes (Part 2)

Lith could now understand the secrecy behind his summon to the capital and what the plan to infiltrate the Golden Griffon entailed. Yet there were still some questions that needed answers.

"Then why are you even here?" His words made more than one brow furrow and the Royals once again question his loyalty. "Why are you putting yourself in such danger?"

"Because I've seen the horrors of Thrud's workings." Kalla replied. "Because I know that if the Golden Griffon isn't destroyed, her forces will conquer the lands above the ground and then those below.

"I'm putting my life at stake because I don't want this war to ravage the Empire nor the Eclipsed Lands that now I consider my adoptive homeland. Also, it's quite hypocritical of you to question my decision, Scourge.

"I'm just doing for the first time what you've been doing ever since we met in the White Griffon's forest. Risking my life for people I don't care about and fighting for an ungrateful country."